
A Britepeer community

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A curated club for startups in the Sunbelt who want to grow.

Get daily help from founders and funders who have experience

building successful businesses in the Southeast US.

650+ Startupnash community members


StartupNash is a vetted founder-first community designed to help you reach targeted growth goals by tapping into a shared network of accountability, talent and expertise.

Meet some members

What do members get?

  • Matched with peers, mentors and experts at various stages of your business (grouped by business type and tailored to your goals).
  • Marketing opportunities to an actively engaged entrepreneurial community.
  • Support from our network of founders, funders and community resources.

There’s a lot you can do in StartupNash:


Recognize a teammate


Get introduced to

group members


Add an event to our calendar

Need to leverage your local network to meet ongoing growth initiatives?

We can help you create a growth plan.

Paid Membership is for:

Growing startups


Startups with on-going growth challenges with a desire to network efficiently.

Startup resources


Funders, virtual programming, and community resources.

Business services

soft ice cream

Experts who want to market services in an active community.

Here’s how we help startups grow:

sun with face

We match you with mentors, funders and experts by business need.

We manage your progress and track your growth milestones along the way.

We introduce you to peers to help you form strong accountability groups.

Don’t do it alone. We have knowledge to share.

  • Founders go through an insanely lonely process of building a business.
  • Loneliness can negatively effect our business and our personal mental-health, but it shouldn’t be this way.
  • The Southeast US is home to insanely smart people with knowledge to share, many of whom are in this group
  • When you join, you have the opportunity to launch and grow marketing efforts with the help of your community.
  • The group exists for accountability, encouragement and on-going support of your growth strategy.

Match with Members

Support when you need it.

StartupNash is here for you. We celebrate with you when things are going well. We give you encouragement when things are not. Here’s what to expect when you join:

  • Ongoing community networking
  • Recognition and celebration of your milestones
  • Resource access, assistance, and accountability
  • Personalized support and mentorship
  • Intros to people who can help

Here’s how we increase your deals:

sun with face
shooting star

Use the power of community to raise awareness about your fund, business or resource.

Use the tools we give you in the member dashboard to lead conversations about your expertise.

Leverage our community to help you get leads that perfectly fit your ICP or your deal flow.

Tap into the Sunbelt's most innovative virtual space for founders.

  • Tell us what types of deals/clients you are looking for (founders will match with you if you’re a mutual fit)
  • Use the Britepeer connection tool to get leads
  • Add to the AI powered directory so members can easily find you
  • Use the Member Dashboard for monthly promo opportunities on our website, in our newsletter and on our Slack channels

Founder Support

One huge way you can help founders and get their undivided attention is to support their small group dinner. StartupNash will set it up, you set a budget and foot the bill, and we’ll make sure you have all the follow up you need.

Here’s what members have achieved through connection:

dollar banknote


waving hand

New teammates

clapping hands




soft ice cream

Relevant Services


New knowledge

StartupNash membership is a cheat code for growth.

Join us

Sharing knowledge spreads wealth.

StartupNash is owned by


Hosted by

Kelley Griggs

Made with love

in Nashville, TN